Can you get fired from Gaba?

Hello! So after doing a lot of research about gaba, i found that a lot of important details were disregarded and weren’t spoken of nor asked about, therefore i could really use the help of people that actually worked there to answer few questions i currently have:

*First of, can you get fired from gaba early on?
(like 3/4months after you’ve started working)

*If yes, would that result in your visa being revoked?

*What are the most common reasons of getting fired there?

*Is it hard to get a transfer to a different studio even if it’s in rural areas?

…i can’t think of more questions to ask but i might add others if important, thank you all in advance~

  1. Yes.


    Not showing up to work. Perving on kids. Puking on the students after drinking too much. Etc.


  2. Any job has the right to fire you if you fuck up sufficiently bad. I don’t know how badly you would have to screw up to get fired that early on, but it’s strange to assume that a company straight up could not fire you. “Probably won’t” and “can not” are two very different things.

    Getting fired would not result in your visa being revoked. After getting fired, you have 90 days to find a new visa sponsor. If you are fired, your not working is involuntary, and thus you’d qualify for unemployment benefits while you look for a new job/visa sponsor.

    I don’t think it would be hard to get transferred, provided you’re transferring *between contracts* (and most companies even ask if you want to stay or want to move to a different location before you sign a contract renewal). Transferring in the middle of your contract is exceedingly unlikely, as the company would then need to reassign any classes you have to other employees.

  3. It’s very unlikely you’ll get fired from GABA unless you harass the students or something. Assuming you really suck at your job you’ll be put on “probation” and they’ll watch you closely and eventually refuse to renew your contract. You’d have to really mess up to end up like this.

    They can’t revoke your visa. However, they can reject you for renewal.

    Not showing up, any sort of harassment, etc. can get you eventually fired. Typical things. Simply being a bad teacher won’t get you fired.

    Transferring just depends on the studio demand. For example, if the studio has 8 booths and 10 teachers then they won’t approve your schedule. Otherwise, it’s pretty easy to move around from studio to studio.

  4. yes.

    No but you have 90 days to find another job that fits in your visa category.

    Not keeping enough students. Losing students. GABA is a popularity contest. You are basically a host/hostess.

    Less students = less open seats


    If you get fired from GABA, you probably won’t survive anywhere else. Gaba has really low standards.

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