Mixed messages: What the Tokyo Court’s same-sex marriage ruling really means

Mixed messages: What the Tokyo Court’s same-sex marriage ruling really means


1 comment
  1. You know, If I were Japanese and was the Empress and Prime Minister of Japan, I would do the following:

    1.) Legalize Same-Sex Marriage & Enshrined Protection for the rights of Japanese Men, Women, and LGBTQ+ in the Japanese Constitution.

    3.) Give equal power to the House of Councilors and create a separate Constitutional Court for Japan.

    2.) Dispose of War Criminal Ashes from the Yasukuni Shrine and educate the populace on Japanese Imperial Atrocities.

    3.) Remilitarize the Japanese Armed Forces and have 2-year mandatory military service for both men and women.

    4.) Develop further nuclear energy and build Japan’s local nuclear arsenal.

    5.) Nationalize manga, anime, video games, j-drama, and j-cinema as national treasures of the Japanese Imperial state.

    6.) Enforce the National Devotion Law to promote devotion, respect, honor, and protection to the Japanese people, nation, culture, and identity.

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