Detention in Japan and visa

Hi I’m sorry for my bad english. I’m a student in a Japanese university and after my graduation in 2026, I want to change to a work visa and stay in Japan.

The problem is that I got arrested this year (I basically broke something in a shop and got arrested for that ‘-‘) and stayed in detention (勾留) during 10 days. My lawyer talked with the manager of the shop and we settled things amicably (by giving him the huge amount of 1200 yens to buy a new one) so I got released without paying penalty or things like that. A very dump experience but not a big deal.

I searched about that and find some websites saying that in the case of a 勾留 when you got released without judgment or anything it doesn’t stay in your criminal record.

The problem is that on the paper for the ビザ更新 there is this line : “犯罪を理由とする処分を受けたことの有無 (criminal record)” The english translation make me think that I should answer 無 since I don’t have a criminal record, however the japanese sentence is less clear and if I understand it correctly, it includes the detention even if I don’t have any record…

I don’t want to get accused of fraud because of an unclear english translation, especially about this part of the paper, so if someone have experencied that before, I would appreciate any advice.

  1. They kept you jail for 10 days over 1200 yen damage? That seems insane unless there is more to the story.

    Your lawyer is your best way to answer that question. There is too much at stake for you to trust the advice of a Reddit poster.

  2. Not related to question but You got held for 10 days of your life, and needed a lawyer for breaking something worth ¥1,200!?

    Thats crazy how that escalated to that for something so minor. Could you have just paid the damage on the spot?

  3. You mark no. If you never spoke to and got charged by a prosecutor (you would know) and then sentenced by a judge then you definitely do not have a criminal record and can safely mark no.

  4. Why did you get held for 10 days? That makes zero sense.

    Did you get into an argument with the owner and throw something at him?

  5. I believe this especially if you are a “non white” foreigner. I think people don’t understand that the police in Japan can pretty much hold you “forever” by charging you with different things.

  6. It was a while ago but the Supreme Court upheld a case where a guy was detained for 30 days for calling a woman fat in a bar. The detention is not a punishment it is an “investigation tool” – the logic is they need to detain you for purposes of investigating you about a possible crime.

  7. I would say 無 on the form because it could mean all sorts of things and they will tell you if it applies in your case.

  8. Did you steal the item? Did you threaten the owner and break something to show you are serious?

  9. If it’s just as you said it is then it’s 無。If there’s more to the story and you really don’t want to get in trouble and want advice here, tell the rest of it.

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