Question about Japan and online tracking

If you make a post about the company you currently work for. Can your company track you down and possibly terminate your contract or are you completely anonymous online?

  1. Even if you pay for a good VPN and funnel everything through the TOR network you’re not guaranteed anonymity. That’s not limited to Japan though. But you have a higher chance of staying anonymous. Otherwise smart people who know what they’re doing may be able to get to your IP address and then they know who did it.

    If you want to slack off your company, don’t do this from your home wifi on your phone. Don’t do it at work or from your work phone. Also don’t do it at the cafe you always hang out at, etc.

    Whether or not the company will actually track you is a question of means and time. With the libel laws here it wouldn’t surprise me if do sometimes to protect their honor and reputation.

  2. I mean… just don’t doxx yourself by putting the company name out there. They can’t cyber trace your ip address or anything but if you like argentina soccer on reddit and won’t shut up about them at work they might put two and two together. If they don’t find some mundane thing to fire you over it’ll just be an extremely uncomfortable environment to work in. Nobody likes being talked about behind their back, businesses included.

    This isn’t even like a japan thing. Just general adulting anywhere on the globe.

  3. If using a company PC to go on reddit, no guarantees of anonymity. Company laptop/PC windows and OSes can be backdoored to log activity on the client side which may not be possible to circumvent by VPN.

    If using personal smartphone on company wifi, you have plausible deniability if you use a VPN, but they could still find out you used a VPN which may be suspicious if not the exact site you went to. Without VPN, they can easily sniff the destination of your packets and possibly match the time something was posted.

    Personal device on your home network, I doubt they could find out without a warrant.

  4. As a rule of thumb you’re not supposed to post stuff about your employer and workplace. Even anonymously. Any serious company have rules in place to prevent such leaks, as they can be harmful to the company. If I were you I would refrain from doing such things.

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