Problems faced by people with no surname or no middle name in Japan.

Hey everyone.
I’m moving to Tokyo next month as a Japanese language student for 1.3 yrs. On all my documents since birth I have single name. No middle name or surname. Also, have single name on passport.

Have something to ask you all.

1. What problems I must keep in mind with single name?

2. Also my new bank in India is telling me to add surname as “S/O my father’s name“ for my forex card, can I use that banks forex card in Japan, with such surname? Is that ok?

3. Will my single name make problems for me to use forex card anywhere in Japan? Like, receiving part time work salary on my forex card?

4. Generally, which documents are interconnected with each other in Japan?


  1. Well the Emperor and his family have only first names, no surnames so I guess that would be supported 😉

    I wonder how far Naruhito is getting with the Rakuten credit card application…?

    (/s for the people of no sense of humour)

  2. There is no middle name in japan (perhaps one or two execptions but never heard of anyone with a middle name here). Moreover, japan administrative paperwork will always ask for your name to be exactly like what is written on your passport. So don’t do anything weird such as adding a name if it is not on your passport

  3. TIL the you can have an Indian passport with no middle or surname.

    I think you will probably have a lot of confused people at the 区役所 (kuyakusho – the ward office) when you go to get your residence card and also when you apply for a bank account. You might want to ask the Indian Embassy in Tokyo for help and advice as I’m sure they might have also had to help others from India in the same situation as you.

    Good Luck!

    EDIT: Also, I recommend not putting ‘N/A’ in any spots for your surname as your surname will end up being ‘N/A’ thereafter…

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