Help: Times car share registration

Hi, I’m trying to register online as a member to Times car share, and I was wondering if anyone that has gone through the process could help.

When filling the registration form online, the name specified must of course match the one in the drivers license. They also validate the input to be double byte characters, and here is where my problems begin.

1. The name on my drivers license is written in western alphabet
2. I could enter western characters in double byte format, but the entry is limited in terms of number of characters, and my name is too long to fit that field in double byte
3. Trying to enter the name in Kana instead will not pass the validation, as it’s different than the one on the license

Any ideas how could I get pass this non-sense?

  1. If you’re doing it on your phone, try to do it on PC instead. I found that helps on sites sometimes.

  2. You enter as much as you can.

    Either they will send you a letter with a form application where you will be able to fill your full name. Or they will reject and you call support to explain and solve the issue.

    I can’t count the number of times it happens to me. Always call support, or go in store.

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