Got called 英語の人

Was playing with some Japanese people and I got called 英語の人、I guess because they thought I couldn’t understand them? Am I weird in thinking this is mocking? Is this just funny to them but not meant to be malicious? x.x

  1. Is this Japanese for English speaking person? How do you say it? Also I just get called a gaijin I think it’s not malicious compared to calling someone FOB or something like that

  2. Literally depends on context.

    Does this person know your name?

    Where you’re from?

    Is there some kind of pre-defined relationship like customer/server?

    Because calling you 英会の人 when they have nothing else to distinguish you by is less rude than calling you 外国人 or あなた in their mind probably.

  3. Little kids say that me all the time, even at my daughters’ nursery school.

    I just point back and say 日本語の人! and they laugh and stop doing it.

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