Is it permitted to cancel an apartment rental one or two months right after the contract renewal?

It’s highly possible that I won’t be able to find a new place before my current place’s contract renewal occurs in February. I know that a one or two months notice is required before moving out so I assume that it should be ok (but still would look like a dick move from the owner side I guess). Just wanted to make sure I am correct.

  1. Depends on the contract? 😅

    I have a clause that I have to pay a month extra rent if I move out before a certain time.

  2. Your contract should outline the terms and conditions of cancellation. This is by no means a law, but just a general consensus of places I have rented from: if no discount was applied (i.e. reduced rent if you commit to staying 1 year), a general “futsuu” no term limit rental agreement only needs 30 days notice and cancelling before 1 year would have a 1 month rent penalty.

  3. Yes, the best answer to this question will be in your contract, but the vast majority of normal contracts do not have a penalty for checking out early, so long as your give one month (75% of contracts) or two months (15% of contracts) notice. If you paid discounted initial fees (“no key money” and/or “free rent for one month” apartments, 10% of contracts) then there will usually be a cancellation fee exactly equal to the free rent, or reduced key money/ real estate fees that you did not pay.

    In principal, you either pay at the beginning or at the end; there is no escape unless you live somewhere forever. And that is exactly what a lot of Japanese tenants try to do.

  4. Why not talk with the management or real estate? Tell them you want to move out but not sure if you can find place by Feb. Could they extend for few more months?

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