Deciding right heater to buy

Hello everyone. I want to buy a fan heater for my living room (8 tatami. Steel frame apartment). Since I don’t like Kerosene smell I was thinking to go for an electric heater ( I checked it’s description however their specification only shows for wooden and concrete. Not so sure if it can warm up 8 tatami space in steel frame construction (insulation is not that great) Anyone have experience using this type of electric fan heaters?
If this doesn’t work I am thinking to go for high end model of Kerosene heater (with better odor prevention). Gas heater is not in option due to high construction costs.

Looking forward to hear your feedback/thoughts.

1 comment
  1. We use a Corona Core Heat. It’s something like this [model]( (we got some older model, was cheaper because it was a show model). We’re pretty happy with it and use it mainly on heat level 3-4 (of 10). The front grill can get touched and you don’t burn your fingers. So it’s also not so bad with kids. We use it in our LDK and sit often around it. Room feels in general warmer.

    Work mate told me the oil once create a higher heat? But I’m not sure about this, maybe this statement would need to get checked. What I can say the oil once smell unpleasant. So we did decide against it.

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