Teaching European art history in Japan?

I’m getting a degree in Italy in Japanese Language and Literature, my dream is to teach something related to European culture (probably art even if it’s not what I’m studying) in a Japanese university, the question is: do I have to get a PhD in Art or in Japanese Language/Literature? Because I love both things but I don’t know what will get me to that point where I can teach in Japan. Maybe getting a PhD in some of the twos and getting a master in the other one?
Any tips?

  1. If you want to teach art history you need a degree in art history lmao. Don’t put the cart before the horse, if your goal is to teach in the arts then you need an actual graduate level degree in that field. Japanese is something you could learn in your downtime or minor/double major in as an undergrad.

  2. Look at JREC website to gauge the employability of the fields you are interested. Talk to those who did the PhD in both areas. While good to have dreams, better if you have clarity and interest in the actual field. Publications are a must.

  3. Everyone in Japan speaks Japanese. Having a Japanese Language degree isn’t going to open any doors for you (other than just having some Japanese under your belt). Get the degree in the field you want to get it in. Minor in Japanese if you want to get some proficiency with the language.

    Your best bet is to become very good at the field you want in the country you live in now. Publish at least three papers, if not more, and pass the Japanese N2 language proficiency test. Then try your best to apply to an international school in Japan. I say this because otherwise you’ll be competing against native Japanese who can easily teach the same subject in the same language. Why would they hire you? Your best chance is to teach the subject in English in an English immersion school in Japan.

    This seems likely a highly improbable dream, by the way, and I want to also suggest not pursuing it too seriously because I don’t think it’s a good idea.

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