Japan-born American files suit against Japan’s dual nationality ban

Japan-born American files suit against Japan’s dual nationality ban


  1. Japan needs to change child custody laws..but they dont care…n they dont care about this..

  2. she’s 100% going to lose, but I love to see people try.

    Forced marital surnames and Article 175 is also clearly unconstitutional, but they aren’t going to be overturned anytime soon.

  3. She also doesn’t remember that in the oath she gave at her US Naturalization ceremony, she explicitly **vowed to renounce** all prior and foreign nationalities and allegiances, so as far as the USA is concerned, she isn’t Japanese anymore. So she doesn’t really stand ground to argue concerning the States. I doubt her claim will hold in Japan since it’s clear in Japanese law.

  4. The government reserves the right to interpret the constitution and doesn’t appreciate being sued by random people who disagree. She will fail, just like everyone else who has tried and everyone who will come after.

  5. Come on Japan. Such low hanging fruit to help a tiny bit with the depopulation problem.

  6. I personally don’t think this is a huge issue. I was born a dual-citizen and life happened in a way that I will be living in Japan for the foreseeable future. Since I was born a dual-citizen the Japanese government isn’t going to do much but if one day the rules change and I need to give up the citizenship of my birth country I’d comply, as long as I’m not literally banned from entering the country or anything. I will still continue to identify myself with my birth country on an emotional level, just not on paper.

    My brother on the other hand already made the choice to give up his Japanese citizenship to avoid complications because unlike me he doesn’t see himself living in Japan. Really the only disadvantage we face is having to wait for him to come out of the longer “Foreign Passport” queue at the airport when he visits.

    Of course the choice would be much more difficult when it comes to countries without mutual travel agreements but the lady in the article is talking about Japan and the US, which is one of the easiest countries to travel to and from.

  7. Good for her, but those aren’t great grounds for a suit.

    I think someone who was born a dual citizen would have a better chance at this. But even if she is going to lose, I applaud her efforts to push the ball forward. Perhaps by the time my kids are old enough that they will be forced to choose, they won’t have to.

  8. Honestly, if Japan don’t think it’s citizenship should extend to people who seek citizenship somewhere else, then that is Jaoans decision. Citizenship is a privelige given by the government, and one that the givernment can take away. This thing is common in many coutries. I think suing for keeping your citizenship to a country you left behind is pretty dumb.

  9. I think there are some great arguments.

    If we follow Article 11 of the nationality law, which stipulates that Japanese citizens automatically lose their nationality upon gaining a foreign nationality, Baby’s that gain American nationality at birth would automatically be stripped of their Japanese citizenship. Also, wouldn’t asking someone to give up one nationality for another violate their right for the “pursuit to happiness and equality” as guaranteed by the Constitution of Japan. Japan would ask you to pick one side of your family over another. How is that equality and happiness.

  10. If Japan doesn’t want to deal with this problem, then they shouldn’t make it a problem. What does Japan lose out on by allowing dual-citizenship?

  11. How many Americans does it take to change a light bulb?


  12. Dual citizenship is not allowed if you obtain the Japanese nationality after birth.
    People with dual citizenship from birth are one of the typical Grey zone cases in Japan. Technically it’s not allowed, but practically, if you don’t flaunt your other nationality, they will not force you to renounce either.

    So if you have the dual nationality from birth, travel to japan with your JP passport and never show your other passport. Nothing will happen and you can just keep both. Even after 21.

    Jaoanese authorities will never say this out loud, but this is basically the government stance.

  13. why should japan destory it’s culture for an outsiders though? last name is there family clan names after all, that’s why they are important to them.

    without there clan name they gonna be replace with other Asian last name who has high birth rate, there cultural last name prevent it.

  14. Does anyone know a good lawyer or firm that can assist with advising on these types of cases?

  15. It’s against the law and you will lose.
    If you don’t like it, you should become a politician and become powerful enough to beat the LDP and amend the Constitution.

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