Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! What did you do to celebrate?

Santa-san came to our place, ate some cookies, drank some gyunyu, gave some ninjin to his tonakai, and left some presents for us!

  1. Exchanged gifts with my girlfriend (she got me a Pink Floyd jigsaw puzzle; I got her the Booster Course Pack for *Mario Kart 8 Deluxe*), played said game with my cousins in the US, and now we’re on our way to have Vietnamese for lunch.

  2. Threw a Christmas party yesterday (prob a Covid super spreader ) then sex with the wife this morning then opened presents afterwards

  3. Got the chainsaw out to cut some firewood and Mrs Farmer headed out for a fun day selling vegetables at a Takashimaya store nearby.

  4. We celebrated over the last week or so with our presents from amazon coming in, korean fried chicken (the superior kfc), costco trip, christmas market in yokohama, and watching avatar 2!

  5. Family Christmas party yesterday since youngest is back in Japan for Winter break from college in the USA. Cats woke me up at the crack of Dawn cause I haven’t fed them in forever judging by their accusatory meows. Then enjoyed coffee until everyone woke up at 9:00am.

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