NJPW Concurso 2022 (bodybuilding competition) Voting is open!

NJPW Concurso 2022 (bodybuilding competition) Voting is open!

  1. You absolutely *have* to click through and look at the full photo sets, there’s some SURPRISES in there.

  2. Love this as the prompt for voting:

    >Which player’s body do you think is the coolest and most amazing? Push the button.

    Was not expecting DOUKI to be that jacked. Lindaman looks incredible too. Shoutout to Honma still looking great, as well. But obviously Taguchi gets my vote.

  3. DOUKI has the Jushin Thunder Liger thing going for him, impressive physique hidden under his ring attire.

  4. I think it’s down to Tama or Lindaman for me. Coughlin has the male version of an anime body with proportions that look fake but are somehow real.

  5. Despy taking one from the Coach’s book eh? You can see why (forgetting the band name) had him for that music video

    Side note. JEEZUS DOUKI. fuuuuckin hell, I wonder if the ring attire is selling Douki’s potential booking short. Motherfucker is ripped.

  6. No way that’s Douki lmao, whys he been hiding that.

    I’m no body builder so I’m a terrible judge but I feel like Tama, Titan Coughlin and Connors got screwed over, the Japanese photos have significantly better lighting and quality.

    That being said I might give this to Connors still, hes one of the few people showing of his legs, and his thighs definitely look the most.muscular out of all the visible thighs.

    Imo Abs is either Douki or Fujita but it could be Tama and Coughlin under better light.


    that man needs to change his wrestling attire immediately

  8. People wondering why Douki wrestles in a tank top, you have to understand that Japan doesn’t have open carry laws, he couldn’t just show off those FUCKING GUNS.

  9. Everyone covering up their legs is cheating!

    Also, you’re telling me DOUKI chooses to wrestle in the worst tank top in wrestling when he’s packing those guns??

  10. Well we know whose pose won’t be put on a card for the New Japan Collection card game.

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