Truly the most charismatic faction NJPW has… Suzuki Gun, you will be missed

Truly the most charismatic faction NJPW has… Suzuki Gun, you will be missed

  1. I didn’t think ZSJ could smile, and Suzuki smiling always terrifies me, frankly. This is awesome.

  2. Minoru Suzuki was a big reason why I became an MMA fan, and also became a fan of wrestling again after a hiatus. Suzukigun was by far my favorite faction and the reason behind my username. Their return to New Japan is still one of my favorite wrestling moments of the past decade. As sad as I am about it ending, I’m even more happy by how great their final match together was, and how perfectly it ended. I’ll always miss them though. 😞

  3. Literally the best faction!!! Not afraid to have fun whilst also being a bunch of bastards. Not a snooze edge lord fest like LiJ and Chaos (excluding ishii and shingo). Thank God BC have jay or they would have no one with any real charisma.

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