Plans and achievements for 2023

Now that Christmas is out of the way we can now plan for 2023.

For me, my plan is to slow down. I tend to rush and I feel like I don’t absorb enough as I should 😞 and study for my JLPT 3 👍🏻

– What are everyone’s plans or achievements they strive for in the year ahead?

– Did you achieve any milestones or some thing that you are proud of in 2022?

  1. I haven’t really set myself any milestones over the year.

    I started in March and have been kinda just taking it as it comes. I could pretty confidently pass the n4 if I was given a week to prepare and take some mock tests.

    I’ve learned about 950~ Kanji over the past 9 months, so was thinking it’d be cool to maybe hit the 1k before new years but that’s probably pushing it.

    I’ll be visiting Japan in August so I guess my major goal for next year would be ‘be capable of navigating my way around and not sound like a complete tourist’. Also being able to read a manga volume from front to back, even Yotsuba or Shirokuma Cafe. Doesn’t have to be something like One Piece.

  2. I met all of my goals for 2022 and I blew a few of them out of the water. Thanks to some of my achievements this year, my only goal for next year is to begin cutting out English usage as much as possible to try and go all-in on Japanese. It’s something I have wanted to do for quite a while now (and failed to do many times) and is also the only logical next step after achieving 2022’s goals.

    Currently 95% of my English exposure comes from Reddit and 4chan (the remaining 5% is from talking with family but I can’t cut that out for obvious reasons) so the easy solution will be to mostly stop using those two websites and fill in the gap with increased time spend on the Japanese side of the web or by simply reading. I have been gradually increasing my usage of Japanese message boards over the past month so I technically have been easing steadily towards this goal for a few weeks already, although after December I will have to Delete the Reddit app and get serious.

    And of course the same goal that I have every year: read more.

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