Itenerary check – first time in Kyoto – 7 days with Nara, Hiroshima, Osaka

Hello everyone! I’m buying flights in the next week or so to visit Tokyo & Kyoto for 16 days, 7 1/2 of which will be spent in Kyoto. I’m still trying to nail down my Kyoto half of the trip to make sure I’m buying the right flight dates, I think I’m probably overestimating how much I can do/see in a day and probably need to prioritize the major sights. Can anyone please take a look at this itenerary and provide some feedback? I have the major highlights of each day listed, but will probably be slow in each neighborhood as I fully intend to shop plenty for things to bring back for both myself and my family and really take the atmosphere and streets in. Days may be moved around with the day trips mixed throughout my trip vs 3 days in a row on the train, but in general the idea per day is there. Hotel is TBD but I will likely stay in either Central Kyoto or Kyoto Station area based on ones I have picked out to watch for when bookings open.

* Day 0 (day I come in from Tokyo)
* Shinkansen from Tokyo – intend to arrive around 12ish
* Drop bags off at hotel (TBD)
* Nishiki Market
* Kyoto Station area – Railway Museum (if time), shopping, Kyoto Tower
* Toji Pagoda – autumn night lights
* Nanzen-ji – autumn night lights
* Pontocho Alley
* Day 1
* Arashiyama Bamboo forest
* Arashiyama street shops/snacks
* Jojakkoji Temple
* Hogonin Temple
* Tenru-ji
* Ryoan-ji
* Kinkakuji
* Eikando Zenriji
* Kitanokenmagu – evening lights
* Day 2
* Kiyomizu dera
* Southern Higashiyama – wander/shop/eat
* Gion – wander/shop/eat
* Yasaka/Hokan-ji
* Sannenzaka/Ninenzaka streets
* Philosophers Path – walk from Higashiyama up to Ginkakuji?
* Ginkakuji
* Kodaiji Temple
* Kennin-ji – evening fall lights?
* Day 3
* Tofukiji Temple
* Nijo Castle
* Shinnyodo Temple
* Eastern Kyoto shopping/walking
* Shoren-in Garden
* Shoren-in Temple – evening lights?
* Day 4
* Fushimi Inari hike
* Explore Fushimi Inari shops following
* Kyoto Botanical Garden
* Central Kyoto shopping/walking
* Sanjusangendo Temple
* Teramachi Dori
* Day 5
* Morning plans TBD – maybe see something that got missed?
* Shinkansen to Osaka
* Osaka Castle
* Aquarium
* TeamLab Botanical Garden Osaka
* Dotonbori
* Shinkansen back to Kyoto
* Day 6
* Nara day trip – plans TBD. Deer park, temples?
* Day 7
* Hiroshima day trip
* Peace Park, Peace Museum
* Okonomiyaki
* Hiroshima Castle
* Shukkeien Garden
* Walking/shops/train back to Kyoto
* Day 8
* Morning train back to Tokyo

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