I didn’t pay my health insurance


I was in Japan a couple of times, the last time on a working holiday visa for a year.
One of the requirements for getting the visa was that I had to have an international health insurance from my insurance company back home.
After arrival they told me that I also needed a japanese one ontop of that. Kinda pissed about that wasted money I got it and promptly started to complain to my gaijin friends-, and flat mates(a lot of them with the same type of visa) and most of them told me the same thing “Yea, I just don’t pay it.” …so young and impressionable me just didn’t pay it. 😶

Now, a couple of years later I’m planning on going back(first as a tourist, and later for longer), but I always have this thing in the back of my mind. I really worry that I could get into trouble or that I f’ed up my chances to get back.
Does anybody here have any experience with this type of stuff? Can they even check how long I was there?
I got pretty paranoid about this over the years. When I let my mind wander I already see cop cars at the airport.

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