Weekly Weekend Thread – 26 December 2022

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Nothing new or exciting, but I had a good Christmas weekend. We had a little less work to do than normal and my wife made a wonderful quiche and no bake cookies, which are my favorite.

  2. Our daughter got a lot of presents from mom, dad, Japanese grandma, and Polish grandma. Mom and dad got their sexy new TV. Grandparents got our previous TV which they were more than eager to take since theirs was a good deal smaller and long dated. Everyone was happy.

  3. Nothing much . Just snuggling, and watching my murder shows.

    Boyfriend forgot his bento again this morning. So there goes my meal planing.

    Merry after Christmas!

  4. Went to huis ten Bosch and had a blast.

    We’re going to USJ this week on the 29th and there are options for express fast pass tickets. Which one is worth it? To those who went to USJ

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