Shizuoka Prefecture – Bugs?

Hey, I got some questions regarding Shizuoka prefecture (Numazu) but are there lots of bugs?

if anyone lives there can you tell me about any tips you have for dealing with insects, especially if you have a fear of them? Also any products you recommend for getting rid of them would be appreciated.

I really don’t like bugs.. but I need a realistic idea on what to expect about my move.

I’m moving to Japan, but for privacy reasons, I will not mention why I am moving there or what I’m going to do there. Please refrain from asking.

  1. I live in Shizuoka prefecture and the only bugs I’ve personally dealt with in my place are mosquitoes (whose bite makes me super swollen and gross) and flies. I will say I’ve definitely seen a huge spider crawling on the outside of a 7/11 the size of my hand but never dealt with that at my apartment at all. I also live on the fourth floor which I’ve heard helps with some bugs so maybe that’s a good option for you. They have these noiseless plug-ins you put a liquid into and turn on during mosquito season that’s supposed to repel them so that’s what I usually do.

  2. If you hate bugs then moving to a small city in the warm part of Japan is a bad idea to start with. Yes, you’ll have lots of bugs there. The only places in Japan having few bugs are the concrete jungle areas of large cities and the northern areas during the cold season.

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