Self-Employed. Interac References?

As the title suggests, for the Interac application process, how would you recommend listing references if you are self-employed? I drive for Uber and teach English on iTalki. For context, I got my university degree about 5 years ago and I haven’t had a “normal” job (nor do I plan to) for a couple years.

  1. I’ll start by saying, if you can, avoid joining a dispatch company. You will likely lose money working for them and it doesn’t help with your future career unless you plan on going into TESOL.

    If you still want to go for a dispatch company, especially one like Interac, you have a few options for where to get your references from. If you did any volunteer work, you can always ask the organizations you volunteered at. I know you said you haven’t had a normal job in a while, but you could use your previous employers if you left on good terms. The last thing I can suggest is using customers you consistently interact with. I actually used one of my previous customers as a reference and they were happy to write it for me. The last thing you can do is ask a family friend. I don’t know what places like Interac are looking for as I have not worked for a dispatch company for a few years, but when I applied I had a very close family friend be one of my references and Interac didn’t mind.

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