Worker at Japanese fast-food chain Sukiya dies while working alone

Worker at Japanese fast-food chain Sukiya dies while working alone

  1. What’s worse than dying alone?

    Dying alone in the middle of a crappy wage slave job.

  2. Quite sad. I love Sukiya, but since they implemented this ‘one man operation’ system I can definitely sense the worker in the branch I frequent is far far more stressed than before.

  3. > Following the incident, Sukiya said in a statement it will make “further efforts to improve the working environment for its employees,” while a number of industries in Japan have been facing with a chronic shortage of labor, partly because of the country’s aging population.

    Chronic shortage of paying people, more like.

  4. Yoshinoya ran by ultra sexist, and Sukiya kills their employees
    Matsuya is the way

  5. That’s really sad as this place literally saved my life during dark times! It’s like Yoshonoya but with more options.

    Very sad that she lost her life so young.

  6. I wonder how many customers came in and out before the woman was found?

    Also IMO, Sukiya food is trash.

  7. Didn’t know there is this one-man thing with Sukiyaki, that sounds pretty crazy to me.

  8. That’s so sad. But this isn’t a problem with Sukiya, all [night shifts put strain on the heart]( If she had other stressors in her life, she was at higher risk.

    Maybe if another person had been there, they’d have been able to call an ambulance. Or maybe if they’d been there, they would have to live with the memory and guilt when they couldn’t have helped her anyway.

  9. At least Sukiya has identified the problem and making changes to ensure that this won’t happen again.

  10. My wife (who is Japanese) often says that “Japan is paradise for the consumer and hell for the service employee”.

    Whether it’s a result – direct or indirect – of the 縦社会, I’ve noticed that most people have a pretty bad attitude towards service staff (combinis, restaurants, etc.). While that may or may not have contributed to this unfortunate event, it’s definitely something you notice in Japan.

  11. How can you have **ONE PERSON** taking orders, cooking, doing dishes and handling cash at the same time?

  12. She must be a very hard worker. Too sad the reality of these companies exploiting their workers, soon these companies will go down the ditch if they keep trends like this, there’s gotta be a change.

  13. I remember trying out their limited time garlic pepper beef bowl after a bender.

    I don’t know how they did it but I tasted garlic and spices in my veins as I puked my guts out the next morning.

    Beef bowl was good though, but I was in no condition to keep it in.

  14. I’ll take the downvotes but I’m gonna play devil’s advocate. It’s easy to draw a bunch of conclusions when you are fed a small bite of the big picture. She was alone from 5am to 9am and died in that timeframe according to the article. A second worker arrived at 9am and found her.

    From 5am to 9am seems like it might be a time of prepping, etc… when the store is not open yet. If it is open at those times, I can see the foot traffic being really slow as it seems like a lunch joint. I honestly see that being a one person job but I’m prepared to be educated and plead ignorance about Sukiya and living in Japan.

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