Am I going to fast?

Hey folks so I started learning re learning Japanese again for the 100th time, and I’m seeing more success than ever. I started on Dec first with a focus on N5. I do very little grammar, I tend to just look at them a couple times a week and hope to encounter them during reading or watching youtube to help me remember, I get about 5 hours of input a day. My main focus has been the N5 vocab on anki. I just finished all the words today, and I think I’m going a little fast, but I also think maybe I should start learning the N4 words. Should I start N4 vocab immediately or wait a few weeks and stay focused on N5? Thanks in advance.

  1. wait you take 5 hours to do anki?

    That’s insane. Don’t do that.

    Instead only do anki for 30-40 minutes. And then read the rest of the time.


    Also about the pacing thing, it all depends on the person. Some people have finished the 2000 most common words in a month or two and started reading immediately while others have taken a considerably longer time.

    If you feel comfortable going that fast, (as long as you’re reading a lot) you should be fine. I would suggest though to take a day or two break every once in a while to rest your brain.

    I remember one time I was grinding really hard for a period of time and for some reason my brain just couldn’t remember anything anymore. Japanese just got difficult by a whole lot. A week break fixed it though.


    If you read too much, you’ll start getting a headache (so you stop reading and take a rest).

    If you do too much anki, you’ll stop remembering things as easily in which case, again you just take a break.

    As long as these two things aren’t happening, you should be good. Because the more you read, the more you will see your anki vocab.

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