Anyone else feel happier during Autumn foliage?

I really love Autumn and the colors, there is a sense of coziness you don’t get the rest of the year. I notice my mood feels much clearer and happier. I also feel like when I see other people during the season they seem happier than usual. Things are rough but this season really helps.

  1. i sure feel relieved that the summer is behind us and its fun to start breaking out the light jackets and long sleeves, but i also feel a kind of sadness about time passing that ive gotten since high school. fall is nice here though for sure

  2. Autumn in Japan is the best.
    It’s dryer, cooler, and has a variety of color (orange, yellow, red). Also, arguably the best seasonal foods.

    Spring is also pretty good, but honestly not as good as Autumn. I just find most spots with sakura overcrowded and less about natural beauty and more about an “excuse” to get wasted outside with friends. Guess I never needed an excuse, so, yeah, whatever.

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