Piercings on JET?

This has probably been asked a lot but just looking for a consensus so I know what to expect. I’m a shortlisted candidate from NZ and to be honest I’ve been so busy preparing that this little detail skipped my mind.

I have quite the number of piercings, averaging about 5 in each ear and I have a septum nose piercing as well. Obviously the septum shouldn’t be a problem as long as I flip it up during work hours + masks will probably be in effect so it wouldn’t be as difficult to comply with.

However, my ear piercings (all outer lobe or helix), are another issue. I have had them for about 5-7 years and they were really hard to heal as I have really sensitive skin. It seems silly but I am a little worried they may ask me to remove the jewelry for the helixes (which get very angry whenever I try to remove or change jewelry but remains fine otherwise).

I’m concerned that removing them will cause major issues to resurface, and I wouldn’t be able to just take jewelry in and out like most other people can do.

I was just wondering if there are any JETs that could share their experiences and what to expect? Anything is appreciated.

  1. So I have nose, helix, two upper lobe and normal.
    Nobody has said nothing.

    Apart from one of my kids who said she liked my tiara (helix).

    Obviously it’s very ESID but ears are usually fine. I mean, you usually have to declare it on your app so they should know anyway! 😂

  2. Depends on your placement and school tbh. My friend at my BoE goes to her JHS with industrials and cartilage piercings, but I also know some ALTs who are aren’t allowed to wear any jewellery. Inaka vs city, public vs private schools, the age range you’re teaching, and even the social economic situation of the areas around your school could factor into it. So there’s really no such thing as a “consensus”.

  3. I have a tragus, three cartilage (two on one side, one on the other), a conch, a forward helix, and triple lobes. I have either silver or opal (so pale, like me) studs in every one and I’ve never had issues. However, the nostril I have to take out for work.

    I’m in a prefectural capital of about 300K, super low foreigner population. YMMV.

  4. Just show up looking how you want. If they really want you to edit things they will let you know. I have my tattoos and piercings showing. Also your septum will be covered by your mask anyways. But also my teachers like it 😂

  5. Present yourself as you wish, but be prepared to have to take them all out if it’s requested of you. You’re at the mercy of fate until then 🙂

  6. Very ESID but present yourself how you want on the first few days. It’ll depend on your school and what the principal wants but if they have any issues with what you got then they’ll voice it. I only have ear piercings and was asked to cover them up before arriving at my schools but once there, my schools didn’t care and preferred me to just show the piercing rather than putting a bandaid over them.

  7. No one can speak for your specific job so to really know the answer you have two options. You can directly ask your supervisor or predecessor, if possible, or you can show up on day one as you want to look and if anyone says anything you can agree to remove/negotiate at that point.

    My personal experience is in a very urban and progressive school. I have a lip piercing in which I wear a visible stud and not a single teacher nor student has said anything about it ever. Another coworker has multiple ear piercings that are visible at school. From what I have heard from other JETs, ear piercings are usually the least controversial of them all and often are allowed.

  8. I’m sure you are familliar with the annoying phrase ESID, but it’s true.

    My advice is to ask your predecessor when they contact you (assuming you haven’t spoken with them yet). They can give you the lowdown on the dress code. If that doesn’t pan out with a clear answer, you can always ask your supervisor. If even that fails and there is still no clear answer, come as you want the first day while still maintaining professionalism. If they have an issue with it, they will ask you to not wear them again and that’s that.

    For your septum, the mask will definitely help you keep that disguised as a non-issue. You would only have it off for eating and drinking anyways.

    In my experience, I have tattoos on my forearm and two lobe piercings on each ear. I live in an inaka town. My predecessor told me things were really relaxed and not to worry about it, and I double checked with my supervisor on the drive to town from the train station after orientation. He told me I could wear whatever I wanted. Again, this is just MY experience. It could be similar or completely different for you.

    I know how much of a pain it is to re-gauge earrings after they heal up. Worst case, you could always put them in right after school if they’re easy enough to remove. I used to have to do that at my job before JET and it was a pain, but doable. You could also keep it covered with longer hair, but I would respect the school’s requests if they’re not cool with it during working hours.

    Hopefully it all works out in your favor!

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