Pediatric dentures for baby teeth… anyone with experience?

My 3 year old fell into a concrete planter on Friday and knocked out 2 of his upper teeth, one front and one incisor. The roots are still there, and the other front tooth was fractured, so they all have to be removed. We’re working on scheduling that surgery now for him, poor kid.

I’ve talked briefly with his regular pediatric dentist, who said that while he’s made dentures for children before, it was for adult teeth and never baby, so he could attempt it but he didn’t have any experience with it. I’ll definitely be talking further with him, but was wondering if anyone has gone through the process of getting dentures here for their children’s baby teeth? I’m less worried about the look of the missing teeth and more about his pronunciation (which is still behind in both languages) and the other teeth moving to fill in the spaces and creating issues when his adult teeth start to come in.

I’m in Gunma, but we’re willing to travel to Tokyo if it’s necessary. It might not end up being an issue, but I’d like to at least have a consultation once he heals up from surgery with someone knowledgeable about it to see what their opinion is about those concerns.


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