Help: How to fix dry flaky skin in winter?

Since its winter in Japan my skin has become super dry on my face and hands …to a point its hard to apply makeup. I tried a lot of creams, recently Neutrogena or Weleda but nothing is working no matter how much I apply. Also tried face oils on top (also Weleda).

Do I need to get a humidifier or should I try coconut oil? Please let me know what worked for you!

  1. Humidifier helps. But the thing that worked best for me is applying sunscreen. I use skin aqua

  2. If you are Japanese, I would say Nivea cream. It is a weak cream, so if you want something more moist, refer to the other responses.

  3. Stay hydrated. That’s so important for healthy skin no matter where you are. In winter when it’s cold most people don’t stay hydrated enough.

  4. Go see a dermatologist. They have creams that work wonders, and they are not corticosteroids. A month’s supply for me is ¥400, and I can mix it with other cremes, and I’ve had no trouble.

  5. I recently got serious about fixing my dry hands, and fixed them in four days.

    First, I’m assuming you hydrate, use a humidifier, and have a decent amount of fat in your diet.

    1. Make a sugar scrub with olive oil or flax (amani) oil. 1:1. You can add in some honey (1:1:1) if you like. Gently scrub the dry spots once or twice a week in the shower. Clean floor WELL after use so you don’t slip.

    2. Keep moisturizer next to the sink, and use it after every hand wash. Or at least three times a day. I like Avene.

    3. This is what makes the real difference IMO. Buy cotton gloves at a 100 yen store. Before bed, wash with warm (not hot) water then immediately moisturize with Vaseline or Vaseline & coconut oil. Put on the gloves and leave on overnight if possible. You can use this trick while watching TV, driving, or commuting, too.

    Other tips I’ve seen that make sense: wash with warm (not hot) water. Use gloves when washing dishes or cleaning with detergents. Try soaking your hands in green tea, chamomile tea or calendula tea before intensely moisturizing.

  6. Come to r/AsianBeuaty. They’ll give you a ton of suggestions and great Japanese products, most you’ll find easily at a drug store.

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