What is the current queueing system for Tokyo Disney Land/Sea?

Last time I went was five years ago, and you had to go to each ride and take a ticket, which would give you a return time. It resulted in a mix of short wait times and long wait times which was not too bad.

Is this still the case? It would be lovely if it was all app based now, but I’m not holding my breath.

Thank you.

  1. It’s a free for all on almost everything (went end of May). As in you have to line up.

    There are no ticket based systems apart from the big two rides Beauty and the Beast and Soarin’. For those two, you pay extra to make a times reservation slot.

  2. Sorry but things are worse now. What you are talking about is Fastpass which has been eliminated from all Disney parks in the world now. It was great because it was a free opportunity to get a reserved time slot for popular rides.

    Now Disney has gone the same way as Universal. If you want what used to be called a fast pass, you have to pay extra per person for that attraction now. So unless you wanna pay extra, you’re gonna have to wait in the long line for every attraction.

    Still Tokyo Disneyland is cheaper than the US where they really rip you off now

  3. Just visited both sea and land a few days ago. Here are a few tips that would have helped me.


    Tickets sold at convenience stores (711/lawson,etc) are only available for park entry 10 days from when you are actually buying them.

    Buying tickets online requires you have a visa secure enabled credit card ( the one where the card issuer gives you a x digit code to approve the transaction). Most cards issued in the US won’t work since the security method is old tech that most banks don’t support. (Tried a chase issued from US they approved it on their end but didn’t go through).

    If you don’t have a domestic cc might be easier to have a friend or relative buy them for you and group share the tickets with you.

    It’s incredibly hot. Wear weather appropriate clothing a day bring a neck towel you can wet throughout the time there. Mickey auto spray bottles are like Â¥2300.

    Restaurant area on weekdays are not too crowded and often have Wednesdays special, soba joint had free oomori. There is a small supermarket in the basement food court area that gives affordable food options to buy and bring into the park. (Just no alcohol allowed in).

    Coin lockers are at both entry stations to sea/land. If you are staying at a partner hotel they can have your bags sent to your room but lockers are the way to go if you are just there for the day.


    No tickets or reservations needed for rides or fast passes lines were 5 mins since it was just before summer break. There were some shows that required an advanced seating reservation within the App like mickeys show. Light parade (highly recommend) had people lrandomly line up along the street. Fireworks dependent on weather the night we were there they were canceled likely due to high wind.


    Now that summer Vaca is in full swing lines were a bit longer this past Friday (20-45min) for kids rides. Prior to summer vaca lines were almost non existent.

    Hope this helps, happy to help answer any other qs if you are curious just a few things that came to mind.

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