How hard is it to get a re-entry permit for a working holiday visa?

I’m planning to apply for a working holiday visa and spend a year in Japan in 2023. I know the visa is single entry but I read that it’s possible to get a re-entry permit if I want to leave Japan for a short period of time. I’m wondering how hard is it to get such re-entry permit? For example, I’d like to spend Christmas time with my family, or if there are other emergency that need me to leave the country for a few days, how does the process for applying for a re-entry permit look like?

  1. A “single entry visa” means the visa can only be used once to get a status of residence (SoR). Once you have a valid working holiday SoR (and residence card), you can leave and renter as many times as you want.

    You can get a special reentry permit at the airport when leaving. It’s just a card you fill in and it’s valid up to a year.

  2. I took a trip back to the US to visit family over Christmas and all I had to do was fill out a short form at the airport and show immigration my residence card and said form. It was one of those small cards you use for things like declaring things at customs and such

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