Been feeling burnt out lately and I wanna take a day off but i just feel guilty. Any advise?

as the title says. work has been tough, the people i work with aren’t the friendliest at times. 😔

thanks to everyone’s comments I was planning on taking a day off next week just to be told one of my classes that day is going to be observed… i just cant win gdi

  1. You’re entitled to a day off so take it. Don’t feel guilty and dont ever prioritise your employer over your own mental wellbeing . Also maybe consider job hunting? If works leaving you feeling burned out and your colleagues are part of the reason why then maybe its time to find another employer.

  2. Your voice is sounding kind of scratchy…. Maybe you are coming down with something…. Better safe than sorry!

  3. Stop feeling guilty. Just take the damn day off. Gotta think about yourself first from time to time.

  4. Fuck everyone you work with. Fuck everyone in general. Take a day off. Life is too short to worry about anyone other than yourself.

  5. You shouldn’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Teachers easily can experience burnout, and that makes them no good for themselves or for their students.

    Your school/office can survive without you for a few days. And if they can’t, well, that is management’s problem and not yours.

    Take a few days. 🙂

  6. Work/school shouldn’t fall apart from you not being there for a single day. If that were the case, I’d be concerned about how they are managing things.

    Focus on getting yourself mentally and physically in the right place.

    I missed nearly two weeks earlier this month due to COVID outbreaks (not me, but colleagues) and had to telework. The work is still here.

    Take the time OP.

  7. I understand your situation completely. But don’t be intimidated by your work place. It’s okay to be selfish and take a day off for yourself, regardless of what your coworkers think. Do you think they would worry about you if they wanted to take a day off? It’s okay to do self care. Just relax, take it easy, and ask for the day off. Working burnt out is not fun.

  8. “If you don’t choose to take a day off, your body will choose it for you.”

    Your health is more important than anything. Just tell them you aren’t feeling well and take it off. You don’t owe them an explanation.

  9. Your guilt is understandable, as you’re probably witnessing teachers work what seem like insane amounts of overtime consistently– or perhaps teachers seem to have so little time, rushing around, etc (be they pretending or otherwise, it still creates a stressful PTO environment). Whether or not these are the reasons you feel guilty, I think it’s probably good to reflect on what makes you feel guilty. It’s might be easier to do what you obviously know you need to do when you can isolate things like that.

    And here’s a shot at an out-of-the-box trick: imagine that there could be a cultural benefit of Japanese people witnessing foreigners taking time off. Maybe over the years we’d have a positive effect on their attitudes to time off. Could have the opposite effect, who knows. But if it helps you take more days off, hey.

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