Tips for improving beginner speaking ability

I’m at the stage where I can understand the basic questions that my online tutor asks me about my location, hobbies, family etc. but actually answering them on the spot is still a struggle (even though I know the words/vocabulary in the back of my mind). Do you guys have any tips for getting over this awkward stage? In the past, I’ve tried writing out potential responses to questions but it doesn’t really stick. I’m now dreading the awkward ‘casual conversation’ parts of my lessons but I can’t keep focussing on grammar forever. Any tips greatly appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Don’t give up. You just have to push through. It’s really frustrating now, but keep at it and things will start to click. What you’re experiencing is totally normal.

    Something you can do to practice outside of your tutoring sessions is talking to yourself. Even really simple things like going to pantry and listing off what’s in it 「パンがあります。リンゴがあります」The more you can practice forming sentences in Japanese in a low pressure enviornment, the easier it’ll be for you to do the exact same thing with your tutor.

    Something to try with your tutor as well (if you’re not doing this already) is spoken grammar drills. Basically just doing grammar drills verbally rather than written. Repeating variations on the same grammar over and over can get your mouth used to it and then make it easier for you to then use that grammar spontaneously in conversation

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