How much Japanese can I learn studying it for 5 months in a japanese University?

So. My Japanese level is about an N3. I have a Bachelor’s in Japanese and Japanese culture but I’m not confident in my Japanese abilities at all. I decided to keep studying it (currently doing a master’s degree in the same thing) for a chance of spending a semester in Japan, which is happening in 3 months. Now, the last time I seriously studied Japanese was about 2 years ago. Ever since I started my Master’s my confidence has gone terribly down and I have done all exams but the Japanese language ones.

Having previously studied all the core grammar and currently studying N2 and N1 grammar (unfortunately I’m trying to at least pass one language exam before going to Japan… as you can see… not much motivation here) how much is my Japanese going to realistically improve if I spend 5 months there studying it? I’ll be in a university, and living in the university dorm. All the other courses are in English, while Japanese is in… Japanese.

I learned English basically by myself after I studied the core grammar by watching youtube videos, writing and reading english books and streaming. I can speak it so well I prefer it over my first language, so I shouldn’t have too much of a hard time learning Japanese. But I’m lacking so much confidence and I’m so scared of travelling and living in a foreign country alone… sigh


Let me know what you think! My goal is to learn as much as I can and to get to a N1 or a higher N2. I want to be able to consume Japanese media when I’m back and to pass at least an N2 exam.

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