Looking for a tool/website to help practice kana (specifics in post)

Hi, I’ve finished learning how to read and properly write each hiragana and katakana and I’ve been using the Real Kana app to reinforce them.

I’ve been doing a sort of makeshift practice by letting the app pronounce a random kana and, instead of typing it in like the app requests, I’ll write it out on a page and then compare the two.

This is kind of clunky since I have to keep my phone out of sight while still double-tapping in order for the speech to play and I’m wondering if there’s a better way. Also, I’d like to learn basic word transcription, but the iOS app only uses characters while the website as far as I can tell doesn’t have speech.

Basically, what I’m looking for is an app or website that will speak a simple and random word or kana, allow me to transcribe it on paper, and then click or tap to reveal and compare the two. Does anything like that exist?

Thanks in advance.

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