is it possible to check your local immigration office to see when your COE was submitted?

Edit: I meant consulate/embassy, sorry!

My school (American university) (Not temple) (please be nice) has not given me an actual date in which they submitted my COE. It’s been around 3 months since I submitted my documents to them. I just want to know a rough timeline because i’m literally spending my entire life on hold waiting to see when I can come. I need to tell my job, roommates, family etc and am really anxious about everything. Can I go to my local embassy /consulate and ask? will my university find out? Sorry if this is in the wrong place. Im hoping any day now but i’ve been getting terribly vague answers and im so annoyed by the situation.

  1. What “local immigration office”? There aren’t Japan immigration office outside of Japan.

  2. >has not given me an actual date in which they submitted my COE.

    It doesn’t really matter which date they submitted it. The process is very opaque, and the processing time varies depending on how many applications that come in. 1-3 months process is normal, but it can be more or less, no guarantees.

    > I just want to know a rough timeline because i’m literally

    The rough timeline is 1-3 months in normal times. Now it may be more. But since it hasn’t been 3 months yet, it’s still within “normal” and not yet in a range where you should worry or push it.

    >Can I go to my local immigration office and ask?

    Do you mean an embassy or consulate? (Immigration offices would be in Japan). No, they won’t know. And immigration wouldn’t give a date when it’s done.

    If you mean the local immigration office in Japan, then I guess no, they don’t share that information, it’s very opaque, and you are not the applicant so the info shouldn’t be shared with you.

    It’s very common that you apply, and get the Coe when it’s done.

    Unless you have something serious in your background, or the university has told you that you may be denied, you should be fine. Universities handle CoE applications all the time, and they basically know if an application will be accepted or if it’s iffy.

  3. They don’t share this info…

    I’ve applied to my husband’s COE (he’s about to come as my dependant), and it has been two months already, no response yet. I called the immigration office that I applied, and they said for me to wait one to two more months. A friend of mine applied a while before me and it took less than two months for her.

    It doesn’t follows a logic explanation, so, buckle up and exercise your patience.

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