Toyota CEO Says “Silent Majority” Of Auto Industry Is Doubting EV-Only Future Akio Toyoda remains steadfast in his belief that EVs aren’t the only way forward

Toyota CEO Says “Silent Majority” Of Auto Industry Is Doubting EV-Only Future Akio Toyoda remains steadfast in his belief that EVs aren’t the only way forward

  1. Is this going to result in garakei cars, or will it be a stupendous success?

    Whatever “it” eventually turns out to be.

    We don’t have a car, and don’t intend to ever own one. We still use taxis though.

  2. EVs are great for city use or short day trips, but until cold weather doesn’t affect range and I can get a full charge in under 5 minutes with a range of 700+km, I’m not interested. I don’t care about acceleration…give me diesel. I’d even be ok with hydrogen if there were more stations, but there’s currently *one* in Tokyo I think.

  3. This is one of the reasons why EVs and EV tech has not improved as fast as it could have. You have ‘dinosaurs’ in charge of major tech companies that say crap like this.

  4. The US would need more than 50 new nuclear reactors built by 2035 to provide close to the energy required to substitute gasoline and diesel. It ain’t happening.

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