Can I bring a refrigerator on the train?

A full size fridge.

Delivery costs so much and I can easily carry it.

Is it allowed?

  1. Doubt they’d let you go thru the gates with that. My general rule is, if it can’t pass thru the gates dont carry.

    Plenty of delivery dudes out here with K trucks will deliver for like 1万

  2. Please try it and livestream it. Especially the part where you’re carrying a full size fridge through the gates.

  3. Are you sure you can pull that off without bothering station staff and passengers? If not, then do like the Japanese, avoid.

  4. If you’re strong enough to carry a full size refrigerator, they probably won’t stop you, out of fear.

    Also, good luck getting it through the pay gate.

  5. Even for a simple bicycle in the train there are etiquettes to respect here. If you can’t afford moving stuff then maybe you can’t afford a fridge either 🤣

  6. It’s not allowed, but if you can actually easily carry it (i.e. lift it over the gates, make sure you don’t bump into people or risk hurting anyone), then there’s a good chance nobody will say anything. Just walk confidently and pick a time where the trains are mostly empty. Emphasis on easily carry. If you end up blocking other people or bumping into stuff left and right, that’s not cool.

    As a rule of thumb, if you can carry it without inconveniencing anyone, it’s probably fine. A full sized fridge, even if not heavy, is typically not easy to carry tho unless you’re like 2m tall. I think you might be overestimating yourself.

  7. Why train? Just drop that fridge into your ママチャリ basket and you’re good to go.

    Also film that.

  8. Assuming you can get it past the ticket gate, technically yes. Just make sure if possible to do it on a day where the trains aren’t particularly full, otherwise you’ll probably piss off a lot of folks.

    I’m saying this from experience: while I never had something quite as large as a refrigerator, I fed the homeless in Tokyo, and had to carry quite a bit of food. I live in Yokosuka and can’t legally drive, so the train was my only option. As such, I took one of those folding camping carts and filled it with said food, and I’d always look for a train that didn’t have a lot of folks on it out of consideration for other passagers. So long as you do that, you’ll be fine, but if you’re planning on like, say, taking it on the Yamanote line during rush hour, frankly you’re just being an asshole.

  9. Probably not. There’s a size and weight limit for bicycles, and a full size fridge is definitely bigger than a foldable bicycle…

  10. I have difficulty imagining how you lift a full size fridge.
    If somehow you can, please put it in a huge bad and then lift it using handles.
    Similar to how you are supposed to transport a bicycle. If you are somehow able to do that, it may work.

  11. Its not supposed to happen but totally possible hahahah, I have got in the train WITHOUT covering the bicycle with the bag (i didnt have one). Sometimes they would stop me right away, some others, they wouldnt notice.

  12. Do you realize that compared to most other appliances, fridges shouldn’t be tilted at all? Google it, it’ll ruin the compressor or some other critical components for cooling. I imagine this would be infinitely more difficult when trying to get on and off the train in 5 seconds.

  13. I don’t know what kind of monster you are to easily carry a full size fridge home but you reminded me of the time I tried walking home with a microwave a couple miles away. I couldn’t move my arms for days.

  14. lol full size as in almost 2 meters tall, and a meter deep and wide?

    There’s probably no rule against it … because nobody’s ever thought there needed to be a rule against it … because nobody’s ever done it.

    It’s one delivery, OP. What could it cost, $10?

  15. I have taken largish purchases from places like Ikea that need a small cart on the train and never suffered a comment. It’s always been stuff in its original packaging, from stores that don’t offer or charge extra for delivery. I make sure to do it outside of peak hours and board and ride only in the special handicapped-access car where there’s the section with no seats. Naturally, I went at this with the expectation that anyone who needed the special needs section of the train got priority over me, even if that meant I had to wait for the next train.

    A full-sized fridge is getting beyond what I would try, unless by “full sized” you mean “full sized by Japan standards, but still really teeny”. If you are buying it new from a Japanese electronics store, any of the big chains will offer free delivery. If you’re buying it used, I really think you should consider arranging for a truck to be part of the cost of doing business.

  16. No it doesn’t.

    No you can’t.


    Pay the good men who will not only deliver it but also set it up for you too. Chill, relax and stop being so cheap.

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