FYI if you’re from Australia, UK, NZ,USA + other countries you can invite your family with just 8 documents now

You don’t need to write up an itinerary, proof of flight , proof of finances etc anymore.

You just need proof of kinship and fill in a template of the invitation letter. You don’t need a detailed reason too.

My mum applied last month and is currently in Japan with me now (she came for two weeks to help me move Prefectures) . I’m on an instructor visa / been here only 5 years ( I am not Japanese / I don’t have a Japanese Spouse)

The list of documents needed is available
Click on List of required documents to apply for a visa under section 1.

It’s the Australian site but it would be the same for the other countries mentioned in that document.

Sharing this because many people think you need 15~ish documents to apply for this invitation. The process became much simpler 2 months ago.

  1. Actually helping a family member with this atm. And let’s face it, they will want to take a week or two out of their stay to go on a small trip. Now I’m supposed to pledge that they aren’t here for tourism which is true to some extent. But if I’m in the PR process just wondering if anything may backfire?

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was looking for this information just last night and gave up because I couldn’t find it.

  3. Is this new…? You’ve been able to invite your family/friends for the purpose of Tourism for a few months now. You do not have been from any of the countries you mentioned. The person you’re inviting also doesn’t need to be any particular nationality. They have to be arriving to Japan from a “blue” country and that’s about it.

    Why did you think it was a specific nationality thing..? That would be an incredibly racist and stupid policy that would spark worldwide attention, like when they didn’t allow residents back at the start of the pandemic.

  4. Am I reading it right that now we can invite family (parents, siblings) to visit us in Japan at this moment for no special reason?? (I read twice but still could not believe if it’s true… I thought it’s just for some special cases till now)

  5. Trying to get my dad over here. Just reading, it says he’ll need to submit my birth certificate as proof of relation. I actually have that over here with me. I’m wondering if a copy will suffice. Hoping I don’t have to send the actually certificate back over to Oz. Do you remember what you did OP? I see there’s a hotline at least. I’ll get my dad to call tomorrow. Thanks again for the great news too OP

  6. Is there any chance that this revision extends to acquaintances? I see on the website you linked it SAYS “acquaintances” in section 1, but the table seems to only refer to family members.

  7. Ive been in japan for 3 months andmy girlfriend just got a visa to visit me using this method!!

  8. Can confirm, I am Canadian and am here on uni exchange, my parents came to visit me between the 2nd and the 10th this month. Applying for family visa was very straightforward, like OP said they just need to provide proof of kinship and you have to fill in a letter of invitation. Processing took a week. Contact your local embassy/consulate for exact documents they want n stuff

  9. > with JUST 8 documents

    You have been in Japan for too long if you consider this acceptable /s

  10. Japan just gets such a massive hard-on for paperwork. Why do they love needlessly overcomplicating every. single. thing?

  11. I’ve not been keeping up with how these rules work at all. In the case it’s just a week long trip, for example, are these documents still required?

  12. Yep my brother is here (UK) now. I filled in like one piece of paper that he printed out, took to the embassy, showed our birth certificates for proof of relationship, and that was it.

  13. Does anyone have info on applying as a US citizen? I tried checking but couldn’t find anything.

  14. My brother has just gotten one but he couldn’t get it from me. Apparently you need to be a longterm resident/permanent resident? Ive been here 3 years. My wife is Japanese so we got it by proving my relationship with my brother and therefore my wife’s extended relationship with my brother. It’s dumb. But it works.

    Edit: apparently mine was harder than some of the others I’ve seen on this thread for no reason?

  15. Always ask the invitee’s local consulate/embassy for what documents are required. Different places may have different document requirements. You do not want to get rejecte

  16. I don’t know about other countries, but I’m from Portugal and my aunt is visiting in August and all she needed to apply for the visa was two documents, a copy of my Residence Card and a copy of my Portuguese Citizen’s Card.

    It was really quick too

  17. My mom just came over, 4 pieces of paper.

    * Application
    * Juminho
    * Koseki
    * Proof of kinship from her side

    no invitation letters etc.

  18. I’m looking at the list of requirements right now. Why is “visa of Japanese spouce” one of the 8 documents? Is this just in the event that the visitor is married to someone Japanese?

  19. >You don’t need to write up an itinerary, proof of flight , proof of finances etc anymore.

    I wasn’t aware we even needed this?? I invited my parents over last month and while I’m an Aussie citizen they are not and they had no issues.

    Only needed the proof of kinship and invitation letter. They applied like, end of June. I also just moved here in March lmao and they just put “visiting family” as reason. Seemed pretty straightforward to me.

  20. I’ve been wanting to see my brother for years. Problem is, he’s technically my half brother. (tl;dr he lived in the same house with my mom and dad from the day I was born and, as far as I’m concerned, is just my “brother.” he and my other half-brother don’t see their mom.) How would I prove this through birth certificates? Or would this not be seen as a close enough relation?

  21. What are the restrictions on this? My parents are coming to see their grandson that they haven’t seen in 3 years. They want to take him out and spoil him but apparently they can’t be “tourists”?

  22. This might be a dumb question but is there a limit to how many family members can come over?

  23. Still a fucking impossibility to enter the country *with* your Japanese spouse if you’re living together abroad.

  24. This seems to have been paused now for Australian Passport holders. At least that is what the MOFA website is showing now. Probably due to a flare up in COVID cases in Japan.

  25. So does that mean you skipped no. 8, “Copy of a Japanese spouse’s passport”?

    Thank you in advance, because from the PDF it seems like it’s mandatory 🙁

    Again, thank you so much!!!

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