Is there a list of UK universities that offer medicine degrees recognised by MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) in Japan


At this point, I know near-fluent (well in excess of N1) Japanese, and I am planning to study Medicine in England due to family circumstances. However, I would like to return to Japan in the future.

Is there any way to ensure that the standards of a medical school in the Uk will meet the requirements to take the 医師国家試験予備試験 or, at minimum, the 日本語診療能力調査 leading to 医師国家試験?

Is there anyone I can contact at the Ministry to check the suitability of a University before I study at it for 6 years (with an intercalated BSC)?

I would like to avoid studying this long and then not being approved to take the test that will allow me to come back into Japan.

Any advice would be appreciated. I’ve read the Ministry website, and some of the guidelines are really ambiguous (e.g “大学附属病院の状況、教員数等が日本の大学とほぼ等しいと認められること” // “大学附属病院の状況、教員数等が日本の大学より劣っているものでないこと”), and the ambiguity is worrying me.

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