Migration support, 1 million yen per child, additional support payments next year – Japanese government.

Migration support, 1 million yen per child, additional support payments next year – Japanese government.


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  1. By the 28th, the Government of Japan decided to increase the additional migration support grant for households moving from the Tokyo area to rural areas with children under the age of 18, from the current maximum of 300,000 yen per child to 1,000,000 yen per child. This is part of the ‘Regional Development Migration Support Project’, which takes into consideration the current situation in rural areas where the birthrate is declining. The increase will be applied from FY2023.

    The migration support project is available to people living in the 23 wards of Tokyo or commuting to the 23 wards from the Tokyo area (four prefectures: Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa). If they move to a rural or disadvantaged area, the prefectural and municipal governments jointly provide support grants based on certain conditions. The national government also subsidises municipalities. The project is currently being implemented in just under 1,300 municipalities.

    Currently, when a household moves to a new area, it receives a support grant of up to 1 million yen, plus up to 300,000 yen per child accompanying the family. The amount varies from municipality to municipality, but households with one child receive a maximum of 1.3 million yen, which is calculated to increase to 2 million yen in 2011.

    Source: https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2022122800839&g=pol

    Yahoo JP Source: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d56088d04aafba06883f3864a3c4a65d6723f6dc

    Yahoo JP comments: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d56088d04aafba06883f3864a3c4a65d6723f6dc/comments

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