Survey about Matcha

Hi everyone,

As part of a university project, I am after people who can complete my online survey concerning their matcha consumption habits.

As long as you have tried matcha or a matcha-flavoured product at least once, you are eligible to take this survey. It should take 5 minutes to complete at most.

To ensure accuracy and objectivity in survey answers, contextual information regarding the purpose of this survey will not be revealed here. However, upon completion of the survey please feel free to message me for more details! I would love to discuss.

Your help would be greatly appreciated! Link is here –> [](

  1. I’ve filled it in 😊

    I do feel that the multiple choice options for the question “What inspired you to try matcha or a matcha-flavoured product?” Are targeted very much towards the assumption that people have only recently tried matcha, in the age of influencers and the more recent widespread acceptance of manga/anime. Or that the target audience for survey participation is people in their 20s.

    Of course that’s just my perception of the question.

  2. never thought it would’ve been a survey that shows me how much I like and would want to talk about matcha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)

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