Weekly Praise Thread – 22 July 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. ~~No heated arguments with the boss this week. I think we’re getting better at each others’ communication styles. We got on fine for like ~2 years until we recently started interacting a bit more, heh.~~

    EDIT: Well, until like 16:00 anyway. Didn’t even make it a week.

  2. Praise be to the weatherman who said no rain this morning and I could trust the nice clear sunny skies to ride to work.

    Oh wait… Am a drowned rat…

  3. this one’s kind of a double-edged sword: one of the other departments asked me to do a small workshop on sustainability for their sales section, but due to the worsening situation with the rona, they said they might have to limit the number of attendees and have me do the workshop twice. the director in charge of the department at first said that there wasn’t any need for me to bother doing it in person, just do it online, record it, and show the recording the second day. totally reasonable suggestion.

    however, once he heard that I was the one running it, he apparently got very excited. like “16vv? really? she’s going to do a workshop for us? really??!” and now he wants me to do it in person, both days, because it’ll “make a bigger impact.” I’m grateful that he’s so hyped about a simple workshop just because I’m the one doing it, but now I gotta drag myself over there twice 🥲

  4. After almost 3 years I think I finally completely understand the system I’m in charge. Even though I am behind schedule on developing new function for it. I feel no stress at all. A sudden confidence that help me ease a lot.
    Also achieved an Akihabara date this sunday.

  5. My hairdresser gave me another awesome haircut and color. Also introduced me to a new brand of hair product that works really well. Strong hold and shine for my spiky shortish hair. Unfortunately I already forgot what brand it was, but it was from France I remember him saying.

  6. I use Money Forward for my business accounting & the company email attached to my account somehow won 20,000 yen Amazon gift certificate. I thought it was some fake spam at first but just manually typing in the redemption code worked.
    Thank you Money Forward, on my main email I’ll actually opt in again for their promo emails even though they send a ton of them.

  7. Had a discussion with a Japanese colleague about the next Japanese prime minister. he is hoping for a woman to be the next. Japan has come a long way.頑張れ日本!

  8. Last day of the semester. Time for a nice break away from students, the bus, the train and all of that other nonsense.

    Now, time to focus more admin……

  9. On Netflix they have a collection of tv series under the term 連続ドラマW, and it’s actually a surprisingly solid offering. I’m not saying these shows should be winning awards, but I’ve watched three so far (dying eyes, パレートの誤算, 盗まれた顔) and just started a fourth (鉄の骨) and have been satisfied. Basically each one has a mystery and action element, but is character driven. It’s good to find something worth watching that isn’t a comedy for once.

  10. Quite a few today!

    I’m almost done completely moving everything out of my old apartment, and I only have two days left at my eikaiwa job. I’m so grateful for my boyfriend letting me stay at his place while I’m apartment hunting. Even when he’s out of town, he still helps so much.

    Additionally, he’s coming back from his trip early next month! I’ll be able to see him and spend some time with him before I move to Okinawa. I was a little afraid the timing wouldn’t work out and I’d leave before he’d get back, but he’s coming back early. I’ve missed him a lot, I can’t wait!

    Also, I’m going to be catching up with a bunch of friends before I leave next month. It’ll be nice to see everyone again, but too bad that I’ll be leaving them not long after lol The new job in Okinawa should be a good experience though.

    Finally, I get to relax a bit today and I’m chilling with a cup of tea and some crime dramas. Gotta work later, but all my classes today are good kids so it should be fun.

  11. I was so happy when I found out that the Osaka symphony concert hall will be showing some Mozart symphonies and opera arias at the end of August. I got 2 tickets but no one to go with me. Maybe I’ll find a random stranger since no one I know would enjoy 2 hours of classical music.

    Oh and last night at Starbucks I was working on my laptop and a Japanese guy said he saw me writing in english. Struck up a random conversation that was really refreshing and then he said goodbye. Was quite nice.

  12. The new singing role girl on おかあさんといっしょ is so much better than fake smiles Atsuko. Now they need a new taiso guy and they’ll be good for a few years.

  13. Forgot my umbrella and had to run home in the rain, but I beat the main downpour.

  14. My vegetables love the current weather.
    Was able to harvest lots of leafy greens and gave some to my neighbor.

  15. Monday classes, done.

    Friday classes, done.

    Now I just need to take a cattle prod to my brain so I can get through the next three days of classes. Then write the English entrance exam…..oof.

  16. I managed to bike half the Tamagawa river. Was planning on going all the way to Ome but there was a thunderstorm warning. Next week I’m going all the way. Hoping to do all the long river trails in Tokyo.

  17. took a few minutes off to apply for the MyNumber Points and got the 15,000 yen for free and relatively quick at a point when i need the extra cash

    now just need to push myself to use the e-money app a bit more to maximize the remaining 5000 yen cashback 💆

  18. Due to my wife taking Satogaeri with the little one, and me getting hit with COVID, I hadn’t seen my family for over a month. The novelty of an empty house wears off fast.

    But today, I finally reunited with them. We’re off to see the local festival today. I can’t think of a better way to end the week.

  19. Have the guy from Nuro installing their stuff at our place now.

    Only took 1 week from when they came by to talk with us about it 🙂

    Hopefully it turns out well, it can’t be much worse than Biglobe…

  20. Been on my diet for a month now. My diets have never lasted more than a week or two. So pretty proud of myself. Here’s hoping that I can push this from just a “diet” to a lifestyle change.

  21. With me moving off the island on Monday, this week has been a whirlwind of cleaning, packing, and saying goodbyes.

    Island life was really really rough sometimes, but I’m going to miss these people so much. My students gave me a surprise taiko performance, a plaque where they all wrote a little something, and my 中3年生 gave me a speech completely in English. It was super heartwarming and I was holding back tears the entire time.

    But, it’s time to move on. I’m ready to be back in a place where I can buy groceries whenever I want/need them.

  22. Made matcha brownies subbing oil for butter, and it didn’t turn out as bad as I thought!

  23. I was thinking, hanging out with my cousin in Osaka this past weekend, I kinda like living out here in Shiga. Sure getting to the cities might be inconvenient, but I don’t do that often anyway. I see her worrying about how much her commute is costing her, while I’m here taking my bike everywhere and only needing to take the train once a week. I live in between a residential neighborhood and an industrial park so night life is practically non existent, but there’s enough places I can walk or bike to that are open late (it’s a college town), or failing that, a Liquor Mountain and conbinis nearby so my friends and I can just party at home. Shit, there’s a public garden within walking distance and a pretty decent art museum if I want to do something during the day.

    Then again, whenever I go to party the whole night somewhere like Shijo or Namba, I have to figure things out until the first train in the morning, but I consider that an acceptable expense. It keeps me from spending too much of my meager scholarship stipend, and I find other things to do with my friends anyway. My most memorable one was going to Hikone castle during Golden Week and then getting blasted on a bunch of booze on the lake shore while watching the sun set over Lake Biwa. Plus me and my friends are in our late 20s and 30s so those days are getting fewer and farther in between (though no less intense).

    I’m gonna miss this place when I have to move to Ibaraki in two years.

    also praise to Shiga weather this week for only sucking when I DIDN’T need to go out. Yesterday I went out for a walk with rain on the forecast, and right when I was going back in the door, BAM, pouring rain.

  24. I can be full remote (within Japan)! Probably moving out into the boonies next year! Sort of locks me into my current job, but I guess it is a trade-off.
    I had some offers for upgrades to other companies that pay 2-4M more, but none that would allow me to go full remote. I guess companies are willing to fork out millions of yen per employee just for the doubtful benefit to keep them surveilled in an office? While not actually doing anything if Taro-san is sleeping in the office anyway. 😀

  25. Pineapple pizza is back at Costco! Just ask for a whole Hawaiian with no bacon. Downside is cost went up by ¥100 to ¥1680 compared to last year.

  26. A misunderstanding was cleared up, I think. Anyway, I had a good time with someone I like yesterday.

    I tried strawberries here today. They’re expensive, but my goodness those were the sweetest, most fragrant strawberries I’ve ever had.

  27. I passed my probation period with stellar feedbacks from the boss and the big big boss.

  28. My chemistry exam is finally over! I did shit but I’m glad it’s over.

    My presentation yesterday went great! Finished slides last minute, went off script and stuttered like hell but I was able to say everything I wanted to say. The professor and my classmates seem to pretty much understand and enjoy it and I got lots of good questions.

    Had very nice conversations with my Japanese friends today! I’m glad with my performance. I have to read more Japanese, my vocab is shit.

    I found an actual, stick-with-hairy-head, wring-able mop and a big bucket in the store room of my dorm! It’s just there collecting dust. I was thinking of buying one to mop the common areas and now I don’t have to.

  29. My four month old son stood up with help today and I’m so proud my heart could burst.

  30. My transfer finally went through to the project management team at my company. Finally on a good career path 🔥

  31. To the person who returned my wallet to the Kouban. Even if you took the 9000 yen cash that was in it, I’m still grateful you took the time to bring it back. The wallet and cards were much more valuable than that

  32. Last working day! Don’t have another job lined up yet but owell. Gonna bask in this before cold harsh reality sets in.

    Big boss came to ask me what’s my ‘real’ reason for quitting and tried conversing in English with me.

  33. I’m more amused than being thankful (and I’m not so sure I’m thankful) but my contract finally arrived after my display of being an ass in Japanese standards yesterday. Aside from the contract they finally gave me a company account. And my leader, who chose to gave me a printout instead of explaining things to me, took the time to explain some things to me.

    Yay! Company gossip, I guess. That sure provided results so fast, I sure 24 hours hasn’t even passed.

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