Itinerary Help March 2023 (3 adults, a 9 y.o., and a 19 month old)

I was planning a trip to Italy then we suddenly changed plans so we are now looking to go to Japan. It will be me, my wife, my mother in law, my 9 year old, and my 19 month old. The plan is to fly from LAX to Osaka that would arrive on March 17, then leave Tokyo March 27. I wanted to see if my general plan/timeline for the trip makes sense.

1. Osaka (March 17 to 19) – We will be arriving around 6:50 pm so will probably just go straight to the hotel. Main reason we are going to Osaka is for my 9 yo to go to Super Nintendo World. We plan to go their on March 18. March 19 plan is to checkout and go to Kyoto.
2. Kyoto (March 19 to 21) – Plan to just relax and see what we can see near wherever we are staying. I was hoping if people here could recommend a good Ryokan that we can stay for 1 or 2 nights. If there might be a better city to go to for a Ryokan stay any recommendations are appreciated since after Kyoto we plan to go to Tokyo so we could always stop somewhere in between to experience a Ryokan.
3. Tokyo (March 21/22 to 27) – This one I still have to plan. My only question would be if there are any good recommendations for our group of 5 to stay. I have seen MONday Apart Premium hotel as relatively good price but I am not sure if they are good places to stay at. Has anyone here stayed at these places? Any branch that you recommend (there are 7 locations in Tokyo). How are AirBNBs in Tokyo?

Thank you for any help.

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