MBA or Japanese language school?


Im 31 years old and I am interested to study a couple of years in Tokyo in order to find a job.

I have a degree in international relations and I have been working in the export import field around 8 years.

My japanese is barely N4 and I am not sure which would be better to study in Tokyo an MBA to advance in my career or a Japanese course orientanted to find job.

For those who experienced job hunting, which do you think its better?

Thank you in advance!

1 comment
  1. Hello. I’m not an expert, but if you intend to work in Japan, my understanding is that most work places will require close to N1 at the minimum. Perhaps you can get the best of both worlds by completing the MBA first in your home country while working your current job and then pursuing the language school in Japan. I’m currently working on an MBA myself in the states and have been enjoying it. Best of luck to you!

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