Dirt cheap wages and no doctor: Foreign trainees’ dreams dashed in Japan

Dirt cheap wages and no doctor: Foreign trainees’ dreams dashed in Japan


  1. All the people saying Japan needs to open up to more immigrants because of depopulation etc need to understand that this shit happens and the country deserves to have a labor shortage until they have a system in place for supporting and integrating foreigners into the country.

  2. I have met and talked with a few Vietnamese construction workers. They basically all said their situation was shitty af, low pay, no day-off, long hours, accommodation sucks… They said the only positive thing is that they learn the Japanese construction techniques.

  3. We’re talking about 276,123 people total in 2021. All in Japan on an EB-3 equivalent visa, sourced from countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand.

    It took me about a minute to conclude that this program is about providing cheap labor.

    For those of you who want to laugh (or cry) read their mandate: https://www.jitco.or.jp/en/

    I think they call it a trainee program so they can rotate these people out every 3-5 years. It’s disgusting.

  4. This is incredibly sad. That poor woman doing the shiso leaf bundles for 400 yen/hour and having them bring the work to her actual apartment. Do these trainees have to pay into the health and pension systems too while here? If so, they must take home next to nothin each month. It’s good that there is a shelter specifically for them, but also depressing that such a place needed to be set up. The broker fees are outrageous too.

  5. As hiroyuki once said, The Japanese don’t want foreigners, they want cheap labor and slaves, I doubt there any people who actually “integrated”, whatever that means.

  6. This needs to be shared and have better public acknowledgment. As soon as no one comes the system would be withdrawn. Too bad there’re people who are so poor they’re desperate for that “sweet” currency exchange and so gullible to be deceived easily

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