Trip Reports Osaka – Kyoto – Fukuoka

Part 2 of our trips

Day 6
Osaka – Kyoto
Visited KYOMIZUDERA. The road to the temple could be a challenge due to the distance and inclined street. I would recommend getting a taxi from the train station. However, our biggest challenge was not to stop at every stores & food vendors on the way to the temple.

The temple is amazing, the ground is well maintained. Getting lunch is tricky due to the small setting. We have to split our group of 10 to different places.

Continue our walking tour to Sanneizaka, visited their cute Starbuck there. I wish our Starbuck back in the state has characters, not just a box retail stores.

From there, we kept going till we reached Gion District and took a taxi back to the train station.

Day 7
Osaka – Fukuoka
Our reserved seat on the shinkansen is at 6pm but we decided to take an earlier unreserved train. The train from Osaka was crowded but we manage to find seats for all of us.

Arrived at Fukuoka, and tried their famous Hakata Ramen. End the day with a quick visit to canal city after a brief rest in our hotel.

Useful notes:
Be prepared to split your group if you traveling with more families when looking for a place to eat.

If you lost/ left your stuff somewhere, go to their lost and found. I left my phone in the public restroom. Fortunately, someone return it to the lost and found. This country has my utmost respect for their culture.

Most hotel work with a third party vendor to have your luggage delivered to your next destination.

I hope someone find this useful.

Will report Part 3 visit to Hiroshima and Miyajima Island next time

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