HELP: Japan visa tips for US permanent resident, Filipino citizen.

Hi! My girlfriend applied for the JET program to teach in Japan, she’s a US citizen, I’m planning to stay with her in Japan for the duration of her work in case she gets accepted probably around 2-3 years. I live in the US as green card holder for 6 years now, my citizenship is Filipino, I’m also currently working from home for 3 years now, what are the visa options I can apply for so i can stay for a good while in Japan? I know as a tourist i can only stay for 90 days but that would be too short. Any tips, advice or recommendations would be really helpful.

Thank you!

1 comment
  1. In principle Japanese immigration requires that foreign nationals have a strong reason for living in Japan. This reason is generally direct family members or domestic employment.

    As you said “girlfriend” and not “wife” you would not be able to have her sponsor you for a dependent visa. Such a status of residence would only allow you to work part time in Japan anyway (max 28 hours per week).

    Does your employer have a physical presence in Japan that they’d be able to transfer you to?

    >I know as a tourist i can only stay for 90 days

    You also would not be allowed to work while you’re here as a tourist. It doesn’t matter that your employer is foreign nor that you’d be paid into a foreign bank account. If you’re physically present in Japan and working, you need to be on a status of residence that allows it (and you owe Japan taxes on that income).

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