Any app similar to wanikani but for learning words?

Hello. I’ve been doing wanikani for a while and I love the basic “learn word and insert meaning of word,” so I was wondering if there was if there was another app or website that uses the same idea of wanikani uses.

[here’s another example too](, I used this one to learn hiragana and katakana and it made it super easy for me.

  1. So you mean like Wanikani but it just throws shit at you? Wanikani does have a bit where you can go over words you’ve burned, in an endless stream. I wish it’d get a Bunpro-style Cram function where you can select words in specific categories and grind them out endlessly, no impact on SRS.

  2. iKnow! – they originally created the “core” decks everyone uses for Anki

  3. I love Wanikani but it’s definitely about Kanji and *reading* Kanji. I’ve recently been spending a lot more time in the Renshuu app. There’s a lot more variability in the direction of answers and the gamification helps keep me motivated in a way Anki never does. Renshuu has a lot of “study plans” that might help you find more what you are looking for. Good luck!

  4. There’s a website called KameSame that basically does what WaniKani does except for vocab organized by JLPT. However, a word of caution for whatever resource you end up choosing. You should really try to be learning new words in the context of sentences. Learning individual words in a flashcard style isn’t very beneficial or efficient for practical use of a language.

  5. So far the best solution I’ve found for learning non-WK vocab is It’s also good for beginning immersion, because they have pre-made decks for some stories that you can study.

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