Do Japanese people in general look down on maid cafes and similar stuff?

I’ve been living and working in Japan (Niigata) for this past 9 months now and somehow got acquainted with my Japanese co workers. Were chatting on a daily basis and eat lunch together. Then the other day when I was discussing with them about plans this coming holiday (one of them was planning to go to Tokyo) I mentioned that I went to a maid cafe in Akihabara last August and they were kinda creeped out by it saying “Ehhh kimo!” and “nani o kangaeterunda?! For me it was a fun experience going there (I got curious while walking that night in Akihabara) though I probably wont go back.

  1. If you were a visiting foreigner they might think you’re doing touristy stuff I guess. Their reaction might have been different since you live and work here.

    Let’s just say the stereotypical clientele to those establishments are otaku with poor conversational skills. Maybe intermixed with borderline perverts (not in the sense of groping people case, just people really into porn or hentai comics kind of thing). I’m not saying that’s reality, it’s just the general stereotype and why you got reactions you did.

  2. It’s a niche market. While your coworker’s reaction might be a bit extreme maid cafés aren’t exactly choice activity for alpha males

  3. These days new ones try to refer to themselves as “concafe” (concept cafe) to make it seem less otaku-ish. At least where I live they’re becoming more like “girl’s bar lite” so have less an otaku stigma and more a “men’s hangout” stigma, for better or for worse depending on who you ask.

  4. Be sure to give them an in-detail report of your visit and purchases at the dirty panty store in Shibuya next weekend.

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