New year’s eve plans?

I’m currently living alone in Hiroshima city, only been here for 2 months. I have no friends here and I don’t really know anyone other than people at work.
Just curious to ask, what are you guys who are alone during the new year holiday planning to do?

  1. I would always celebrate Christmas and New Year’s alone back in the UK, so maybe I’m not the sort of person you’re looking to hear from, but I’m just going to order a pizza and have a relaxing day at home!

  2. Same. Probably play video games and netflix. Its hard to go out since the weather is always bad from where I’m at.

  3. Will just stay put here in Higashihiroshima and make dinner for myself 😅

    I am planning to visit a nearby shrine on New Year’s Day.

    I heard there will be lots of activities in Miyajima this weekend, but I reckon there will be lots of people there.

  4. Climb a mountain with warm clothes and a headlight around 2-3am and get to the summit for the sunrise. Popular mountains will be crowded. Nice experience and peaceful.

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