Washing Machine won’t fit in bathroom door

Long story short, I went to BIC and bought a front loading washer/dryer combo. It’s 60 cm wide. I got it delivered to my apartment and the bathroom door is 60cm wide plus a few hairs. The installation guy took one look, measured the door and said it wouldn’t fit. I tried to tell him let’s give it a shot and he said no, it’s policy to just not attempt. I’m sitting here now wondering what to do because he left with my new 60cm machine and I’ve got a 60cm door frame. I’m going to look at BICs website and see if I can find a smaller washer/dryer combo that can take hot water (I’ve got that ability in this apartment) and avoid crying.
Does anyone have a similar story or advice on what to do?

  1. I had a standing desk delivered that didn’t fit. They just took the door hinges off and moved the desk in.

  2. They warn you like 50 times before buying a washing machine to measure and make sure it will fit. They have pamphlets that tell you how to measure the doors, account for the radius on turns, etc. They even have a service where they send a dude to measure for you if you’re not confident.

  3. He doesn’t want to take your door off because you probably do not own that apartment you live in. They are usually super risk adverse here because of claims later of “a scratch that didn’t exist until your person installed the washer, please pay the repair fees.”

    If you remove the door on your end, he might be more willing. Emphasis on “might.”

  4. Talk to the landlord and see about removing part of the door frame. It should not be that hard.

    Are you sure that removing the door won’t do it?

    Also, is the machine REALLY 60 cm or is that just what the box says? Never trust the box. Trust the measuring tape.

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