running/lifting culture in japan

I’m going to language school in April and want to continue my fitness regiment. I’m just curious as to what it would be like in japan. Are gyms crowded? Are there a lot of gyms? Do gyms require long term contracts? Is lifting a big thing at gyms or is it mostly cardio? Is it common to run outdoors? Are there a lot of people that run? Should I use a treadmill in a gym instead of outdoors? Stuff like that

I’ll be staying in tokyo

1 comment
  1. I workout at home so I can’t say much regarding gyms. Living in semi-rural area though, it is common to see people running outside during daytime. I was shocked by how many older people I saw running outside too, something I’ve never seen my home country.

    For the short months I did live in Tokyo however, I would see most outdoor runners, running in parks or around the parks. Although a few in the city areas itself, it was a rarer sight.

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